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Some simple things you must stop doing now!

If you are going to get and stay as healthy, then first and foremost it would be important to reduce your exposure to substances and activities that have a negative impact on your health.  
To get you started here are tens habits the majority of people are engaged in, on some regular basis, that are easy to implement almost immediately.
1. Filter your drinking water:
 It is very important that the water you drink is clean.  Do not waste money buying water (cost you up to $8 per gallon) as there are no regulations on water and for all you know you could be buying tap water or worse.  Secondarily most of it is sold in plastic bottles which contain many toxic chemicals that leach in to the water.  Of particular concern are BPAs (bisphenol-a) which are estrogen like and feminizing and have proven to cause a host of health problems.
If you want more detailed information on this subject you can go to Mercola, and search for BPA, plastics, or water and get all the information and then some you would ever need on this subject.  You can also get great information from Jon Barron, Julian Whitaker, M.D., William Douglass, M.D., or Dr. Sears, M.D. sites.  If I don't have a link, you can just goggle them to find their site.  I would recommend you check them all out as I believe they all have good information on natural health issues.

Healthy lady
If you cannot afford a reverse-osmosis system in your home then at least buy the best quality you can afford and start filtering chlorine, fluoride, prescription drugs, heavy metals and a host of other pollutants out of your drinking water.  The water is free once you pay for the filter.
2.  Filter your shower water:
Most people don't realize that breathing in vaporized chlorine in their shower is very unhealthy.  If you are not dechlorinating your water when it first comes into the house then you need to put filters on your showers.   You will notice a difference in how your skin and hair feel right away.There are lots of sources on the internet to get water filters but it is difficult to say if they are really filtering out what they say they are (if they even tell you).  I get mine from Mercola as I have had great results and I feel I can trust they are doing the job they are supposed to for me.
3.  Throw out your toothpaste.
Get up right now get your tube of tooth paste and look at the back.  There will be a warning to not swallow and if you do call a physician or call the poison center.  That is because the fluoride in it is poison!  
Most other countries in world have this substance banned from drinking water and tooth pastes as there is no credible evidence to show it stops tooth decay and plenty to show it is poisonous. Start using a natural tooth paste without flouride like Toms, Jasons or make your own with baking soda.
4.  Eliminate high fructose corn sweetener (restrict other fructose)
This sweetener is virtually in all processed foods to some degree.  It is used in food processing in place of sugar.  While sugar can cause health problems if too much is consumed, HFCS causes health problems at any level of consumption.  And as the level off processed foods in this country increase, the levels of HFCS in our foods increases.

Healthy family
Studies are clearly showing that HFCS puts a huge burden on your liver to metabolize, is incredibly addictive, and is a major contributor to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity to mention just a few.
It converts to fat very quickly.  If you eat 120 calories of sugar, less than one calorie is stored as fat.  120 calories of fructose however results in 40 calories stored as fat.  Consuming fructose is essentially consuming fat! What to do?  Avoid all sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, all artificial sweeteners, and agave syrup.
Use stevia, whole cane sugar, and raw honey in moderation.  Eat whole fruits in moderation (snack or desert) and not as a meal like so many do with Jamba Juice.
5.  Don’t eat soy 
A few years back when we all bought into the “protein and fat are bad scam”, a lot of people started substituting soy for meat and dairy products.  We were told it was healthier.  Well it just ain’t so.
While certain forms of fermented soy (certain tofus) most of the recently manufactured soy products (milks, creamers, protein bars, protein powders, etc..) are decidedly unhealthy.  They promote estrogen-like compounds in the body, which study after study has shown to create serious health issues in women but even more so in men.
It is also considered to be one of the worst crops for the environment and to top it off the soy industry almost universally uses hexane (the substance that makes gas explode) to dissolve the beans so they can extract the protein, fiber and oil.  Hexane is listed by the FDA as a hazardous chemical.
If you must continue to eat soy, stick to the fermented types, but keep it to a minimum to avoid the feminizing effects.  Go back to the original foods you were substituting soy for, just make sure they as natural and organic as you can.
These are just a few of the things you can do now that will significantly reduce your toxic exposure and improve the healthiness of some of your other habits.  It is very important that you reduce your exposure to substances in your environment (both internal as well as external) and eliminate habits or activities that have an negative impact on your health.

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